Monday, March 14, 2011

SolarEnergy / SolarPower - "Home Solar Energy"

Small Solar Electric Systems Solar Energy 

Pros and Cons

A small solar electric or "photovoltaic cell" (PV) system can be a reliable and pollution-free producer of electricity for "home solar energy" or office. SolarPower is becoming more affordable all the time. Small "photovoltaic cell" PV systems also provide a cost-effective solarenergy power supply in locations where it is expensive or impossible to send electricity through conventional power lines.
Because "Photovoltaic Cell", PV technologies, use both direct and scattered sunlight to create electricity, the solarpower resource across the United States is ample for small solarenergy electric systems. 

However, the amount of power generated by a solarpower system at a particular site depends on how much of the sun's energy reaches it. Thus, "Photovoltaic Cell ", PV systems, like all solarenergy technologies, function most efficiently in an area which receives the greatest amount of sunlight.

You, as an average mechanical inclined person can, in as short as a weekend, make and install your own solarenergy "photovoltaic cell" (PV) system at your own home, cottage or hunting camp.

"Windmill Generator" for "Wind Home Power"
Windenergy Pros and Cons

There are few cons to a windenergy system, the main one being an area with little wind, however the systems now are able to produce windenergy with very little. The other is making s system pleasant to the eye. You can again, in the space of a weekend manufacture your own windpower generation system using the techniques provided by the following two links.

Simply review the following links to see the help provided buy each, and decide which is the best for you.
Just take a couple minutes and have a look it could be the best money saving few minutes you spend today.

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