Tuesday, March 22, 2011

SolarEnergy / SolarPower - "Solar Power Cells"

How Small SolarEnergy Electric Systems Work

Solar electric systems, also known as "photovoltaic cell" (PV) systems, convert sunlight into electricity.
Solar cells—the basic building blocks of a "photovoltaic PV system—consist of semiconductor materials. When sunlight is absorbed by these materials, the solarenergy knocks electrons loose from their atoms. This phenomenon is called the "photoelectric effect." These free electrons then travel into a circuit built into the solar"photovoltaic cell" to form electrical current. To see a simulation of the photoelectric effect, please view our animation. Only sunlight of certain wavelengths will work efficiently to create electricity. "Photovoltaic cell" PV systems can still produce electricity on cloudy days, but not as much as on a sunny day.
The basic PV or "solar power cell" typically produces only a small amount of power. To produce more power, "solar power cells" (about 40) can be interconnected to form panels or modules. PV modules range in output from 10 to 300 watts. If more power is needed, several modules can be installed on a building or at ground-level in a rack to form a PV array.
"Photovoltaic Cell" PV arrays can be mounted at a fixed angle facing south, or they can be mounted on a tracking device that follows the sun, allowing them to capture the most sunlight over the course of a day.
Because of their modularity, "Photovoltaic Cell" PV systems can be designed to meet any electrical requirement, no matter how large or how small. You also can connect them to an electric distribution system (grid-connected), or they can stand alone (off-grid).

To see how you can possibly make your own solarenergy "photovoltaic cell" system at home, check out the links provided below for more information and instruction on how to proceed.


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